Purpose: To create a fair and competitive process for all BRVA teams attempting to win the region’s automatic national bid(s) to any USAV National Championships.
Process: A qualifying event will be held for any BayouRVA’s USAV national automatic bid(s) when there are more teams interested than bids offered.
  1. A team not properly registered for the USAV national event may not participate in the region qualifying event.
  2. A team that has secured a position (through a ‘qualifier’ or at-large appointment) in a division the same or higher than The Region’s automatic national bid may not compete for the region’s automatic national bid.
  3. Teams that enter the region qualifying event must meet all USAV eligibility requirements for the division they are entering.
  4. When there is more than one team entered in the regional qualifying event, all teams participating are committing to attend The National event if theycsecure the bid.
  5. Any bids in any division reallocated by USAV will be offered to teams in descending order of the division offered, based on the results of the region’s qualifying event.
  1. When any team of a club secures any BayouRVA automatic USAV National Bid and then does not attend the national event;
    • when there was one or more other BRVA teams eliminated from securing The Region’s bid
    • causing The Region to lose the USAV automatic national bid, regardless of age division, no team from the club will be allowed to compete for any Bayou automatic national bid in any age division in the following season.
    • When there is only one team interested in securing The Region’s USAV automatic national bid, and then does not attend the national event no region sanction against the club may be necessary.
  2. Sanctions issued by the BayouRVA may be in addition to any USAV sanctions.