USAV Club Resources

Club Video Mini-Series
This short video series covers an overview of the new system and highlights the largest changes club directors and club administrators should be prepared for. All videos can be watched in order by hitting the play button or you can hit the “playlist” button on the left to select a specific topic.
Click Here For The Club Mini-Series

Club Admin Manual
There are two versions of these documents- one for clubs using free SportsEngine HQ and the other for premium SportsEngine customers. This is available within a club’s HQ or the link can be shared directly with clubs. Note, there is a “last updated” date in the top right hand corner of this manual.
Click Here For The Club Administrator Guide (Freemium)
Click Here For The Club Administrator Guide (Premium)

Club Admin Help Articles
Help articles provide step by step written instructions alongside screenshots or videos of certain tasks. These articles can be found at the link below or at any time while you are in your Club HQ.
Click Here To View All Club Admin Help Articles

Club Help Videos
These videos are specific to tasks and functions club admins will complete in the USAV MMS. Videos on this page can be viewed in order by hitting the “start watching” button or you can look for a video on a specific topic. These videos are also available from your Club HQ with its correlating help article.
Click Here For the Club Video Channel

Getting Started with SportEngine Video
We know that there are a lot of steps that get overwhelming or overlooked this time of year and we believe this video will help all your club directors, but especially the new ones get started or troubleshoot through SportsEngine. Some things addressed in the video are: SportsEngine HQ access and troubleshooting, Membership process including direct club assignments, Eligibility requirements and troubleshooting, Rostering, and Governing seasons
Click Here For the Video

For Parents & Athletes 

These one page PDF’s are simplified instructions for parents/guardians on the most common functions they will complete within the USAV MMS. There are multiple versions with similar information.
Create Account & Overview Of MySE
SportsEngine Account Creation
Create Account & Purchase Membership (Option 1)
Create Account & Purchase Membership (Option 2)
Purchase Membership From Region (Written Steps)
Purchase Membership From Region (Visual Only)